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My Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio. Take a look around and feel free to contact me if any questions arise.

Real-time graphics

Snow Shader
Shader that simulates snow growth and footsteps on objects.

Made in Unreal Engine 5.

Solar System

Solar System. Using the correct distance between planets and the sun. Every planet has the correct rotation and angles. 

Made as a standalone application in Unreal Engine 5.


City Planner
An application that allows the user to create a city using buildings, roads, train tracks, trees, and custom terrain.

Made in Unreal Engine 5.

Platform Fighter
Platform fighter that allows two players to fight head to head.

Made as a standalone application in Unity.


Ring Configurator
Configurator that allows you to design your own ring and view it in a cinematic setting.

Made as a standalone application in Unreal Engine 5.



Wristwatch advertisement
Image made with the instructions "Create a selling image based on a specific theme".

Made in Photoshop. 

Mimic image
Image made with the instructions "Mimic an image".

Made in Blender.


Add 3D to existing media & motion tracking
3D-models added to an existing image. Animated 3D-model motion tracked to a video.

Made in Blender.

3D model of a Pub.

Made in Blender.

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